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12 ways to avoid the Coronavirus!

This blog is normally about earning passive income or making money online, but in light of this new viral outbreak that is rampaging around the world, I would like to take a few minutes to talk about the coronavirus (or COVID-19), ways that you can avoid catching it, things to do if you do become infected, and ways to keep your family safe.

Coronavirus was first discovered in 2019 in China, specifically the city of Wuhan. There have been rumors that the Chinese government created the virus as a weapon and it was accidentally released. Don't believe everything you read on the internet people. There is also another rumor that the U.S. created the coronavirus as a weapon; wild speculation with no evidence does nothing but sew distrust, and is not helpful in a time where we need to be coming together to slow the spread of the coronavirus as much as possible.

Now being called the "Boomer Remover" on social media, the virus disproportionately affects anyone who has weakened lungs including smokers, the elderly, and some children. It has spread rapidly across the planet, and with a long window of infection before symptoms even show, the virus is well suited to infect many more people before we even get close to a vaccine.

First, let's bust some myths about the coronavirus:

1.) The virus is just a mutated strain of the common cold: False, the Coronavirus family of viruses is large, containing many diseases that include SARS, MERS, Pneumonia, and the common cold. They are named for the fact that, under a microscope, they resemble a corona or sun-like shape. These viruses affect mammals and birds, and though they all share a similar shape each one can cause different symptoms and have different transmission rates. Though they are related, the coronavirus is NOT just a mutated strain of the common cold.

2.) Face masks keep you protected from the virus: False, unfortunately the average face mask does nothing to filter out viral particles, and does not lay against the face effectively enough to keep air from flowing into the sides of the mask. N95 respirators have proven effective at limiting exposure, but the mask has to be properly fitted to the face. Facial hair prevents a good seal from being made, no matter how short or neatly trimmed it is kept.

3.) Taking vitamin C will keep you from getting the coronavirus: False, for most people taking vitamin C does nothing to prevent catching even the common cold, let alone more severe strains of coronavirus, although it is thought to be able to shorten the duration of a cold. There is currently NO CURE for the COVID-19 infection, and you should avoid ANY product that claims to be able to cure you of the coronavirus.

4.) Products from China can infect you with the coronavirus: False, coronaviruses do not survive long on surfaces, usually dying within 3 days depending on conditions. The average cargo vessel that ships from China to the U.S. takes anywhere between 2 weeks and 1 month. Plenty of time for the virus to die. Your only worry here is that the people who handle the products between the cargo container and the store shelf might be infected, but that would be all products - not just those from China.

Now let's talk about ways to keep yourself safe from the coronavirus:

1.) Wash your hands: You've likely heard this one a hundred times or more now, but it is the best way to protect yourself from infection. Wash vigorously for atleast 20 seconds, getting between your fingers and your fingernails, with soap and water.

2.) Hand sanitizer: Use throughout the day anytime you touch a commonly touched surface like door handles or handrails. There are sites claiming that you can make hand sanitizer from Vodka, which is both an untrue and dangerous claim. Vodka does contain alcohol, but does not meet the minimum alcohol content of 60% (which would be 120 proof bare minimum). Vodka is not pure alcohol, as pure alcohol is 200 proof. Vodka is alcohol mixed with water, and while it is close to being the required MINIMUM alcohol content to sanitize hands, it is still better to use manufactured hand sanitizer.

3.) Follow social distancing protocols: Stay 6 feet away from other people if at all possible. Do not take subways, buses, or car pool. If in a house with family, try to stay in separate rooms as much as possible.

4.) Keep the surfaces around you clean: While the virus cannot survive long outside the body (the maximum is thought to be 3 days in perfect conditions) it can still survive long enough to infect you on door handles, handrails, toilets, etc. You can use chemical cleaning sprays or you can opt for a more natural solution like the naturally antiseptic Tea Tree oil.

5.) If you are sick, stay home. End of discussion.

6.) Eat healthy meals, that include fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored; this indicates they are high in essential vitamins. Eat lots of garlic, mixed into food raw if possible, which has been shown to help shorten the duration of colds slightly.

7.) Lack of sleep can lead to inflammation, so make sure you are getting your 8 hours.

8.) Force yourself to move. Exercise in any form helps the body's immune system to stay strong. You don't have to run a mile, but instead of laying in the same spot force yourself to get up and walk around.

9.) If you must go into public places where you will be very close to people, wear a mask. You will need to ensure the mask is fitted correctly so that no air enters, and that it is rated to stop viral particles like the N95 respirator.

10.) Drinking black tea has been shown to increase the effectiveness of the immune system by a factor of 4 after 2 weeks of consumption. Start now, with at least 3 cups of black tea per day.

11.) Call friends and loved ones and make sure that if they are sick that they get medical attention. There have been several cases where elderly and immuno-compromised people have died only a few hours after first showing symptoms.

12.) Obviously, do not travel until the outbreak has been reported to be contained by the CDC. There are many cheap flights and cruises right now, but don't fall for the scam. There is no way to ensure your health in a packed vessel like a plane or cruise ship.

Follow these guidelines, and keep yourself up to date with information from trusted sources like the CDC. No matter what your feelings towards the President are, the White House has shown it cannot be trusted to spread accurate information regarding the virus, so double check all information released by the President or his advisers to ensure it's validity before complying.

If you are unable to work from home, and cannot go to work due to closure or self-quarantine, then I invite you to read the other articles in my blog for ways to earn money online from home.

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