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Can my family/friends use my Amazon Associate's link?

Operating Policies 6 (u) You will not directly or indirectly purchase any Product(s) or take a Bounty Event action through Special Links, whether for your use or for the use of any other person or entity, and you will not permit, request or encourage any of your friends, relatives, employees, contractors, or business relations to directly or indirectly purchase any Product(s) or take a Bounty Event action through Special Links, whether for their use, your use or the use of any other person or entity. Further, you will not purchase any Product(s) through Special Links or take a Bounty Event action for resale or commercial use (of any kind) or offer any Products on your Site for resale or commercial use of any kind.

Let this Kentucky boy translate this for ya in pure southern English - Don't. Don't ask them if they will, don't hint that they can, and tell them that you can lose your associates account over it. I looked online for an hour to find this, and it was in the Operating Agreement the entire time (read your contracts... like 7 times), because there is so much false information out there. I saw posts where people were saying "Well, I don't see why not!" - the above statement in the TOS you agreed to is "why not".

Another guys said, "How will they know? I do it all the time!" - He probably doesn't, and if he does he could close that avenue of site monetization completely. If you ask me, it simply is not worth it.

Now I have to go see a man about a horse - No, literally. This is Kentucky, get your mind out of the crapper : )

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