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Creating a Business: Food Delivery

There is one thing in the restaurant industry that will never change: People want to eat their favorite foods in their pajamas on their couches. That takes a delivery driver, and while some companies have their own there are many companies who are switching to third party delivery companies. There is an opportunity there for a small business that can make a reasonable amount of money with little to no work on your part after the setup period. You will need some drivers; obviously you want someone safe and reliable, but you also need someone who is okay with earning a small hourly wage with the possibility for tips. They will need to use their own cars, with their own insurance, and you will need to pay some kind of "per mile" pay for their gas. Call around in your local area and see what kind of mark-up the delivery companies are putting onto the cost of the food to get an idea of what you can reasonably charge. It won't seem like much money, and for a single delivery it isn't; the goal is getting as many deliveries out the door as fast as possible while still being safe. You can either work for the customer, where they call you with their order and you place it and do the delivery, or you can work as the third party delivery service for a restaurant it's self. There really isn't a right or wrong way to do it; it mainly depends on your preference and what is available in your area. I think if you are serious about setting up a passive revenue stream then getting a business like this up and going, finding the right manager to run it for you, and then reaping the benefits of a business that almost completely runs it's self is probably exactly what you're looking for. Like this article? Check out The Blog! where I write near-daily posts on passive income streams, working from home/online, home repairs, my hobbies, and more.

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