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Finish line is in sight...

I've been pushing hard to get all of my projects done on this house so we can list it, but after a full day on a reflective metal roof in full sun and I'm just too tired. That isn't normally my attitude, but there are just days when it hits you that you've been pushing too hard and that you need to step back and breath for a minute.

No insanely interesting article today, just resting so I can get back to installing solar panels tomorrow. I'm learning a lot about the construction of a fully "up to code" system, and maybe I'll go to a big city and get a certificate in solar installation some day soon. For now it's enough to say this: If you want to save some money on utilities, get a reflective or white roof. I think I was basically sitting inside one of those solar ovens while on that roof for 6 hours today because the rays were bouncing back up and hitting me from both directions.

Another thing I learned today; sunscreen is good.

Read The Blog! for more informative articles than this one, on a bunch of different topics. Off to sleep, and then more work and projects.

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