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Get your Airbnb listing ready now!

If you live someplace with anything interesting to do then it's time to get listed on Airbnb. With everyone locked up with no end date in sight, people are getting anxious about getting out of the house and going somewhere. Many of us have already received our stimulus check, and for many Americans its burning a hole in their pocket.

Get ready for the rush of excited travelers and post your accommodation up now so it can start getting views. Take high quality pictures; if you don't know how, then check out Youtube. There are always little tricks to help make your pictures look more professional, and the better they look then the more people will be interested.

Don't try to get rich off one weekend; check what others around you are charging and undercut by a small amount if you can. Provide the absolute best value possible for your guests, get those vital first reviews, and then keep rolling with it. Look at other people's listings and imagine what you would do differently.

There is no cookie-cutter way to succeed with an Airbnb listing, but if you try hard to make your guests comfortable and provide information in the room about places to eat and shop then that usually does the trick. People usually want that B&B experience without being bothered, so leave your cell number on the table and let them enjoy.

I've had other blog posts about rental properties, and even renting out a room, but the difference with Airbnb is that people can search for you now, even though they can't go anywhere. Like the title says, get your listing ready now; once the flood gates open and people start travelling again you'll wish you had.

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