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Google AdSense has accepted my site!

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

It seemed like it took forever, but in actuality it was a little more than a week. I checked my account status today, and BAM you have been accepted into Google AdSense. Then I saw what I had to do to get it running... I am not a coder, and it was wayyyy above my head. I fussed and played with it for about 2 hours and after many web searches I think I figured it out; the only problem is it takes a few days for the site to update and let me know if I've actually done it right. Once that part is done I will be putting a blog post up with EXACT instructions so you don't have to find this craziness on your own.

I cannot describe how excited I am, with the possibility of this site actually making me a little money. I'd be happy with enough to keep this domain going and maybe start another, but only time will tell.

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