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House is on the market

Less than an hour after the house went on the market we had two showings scheduled. An hour later we were up to 5 showings, and by the end of the day it had been shown 7 times with another 8 scheduled to see it today. I knew it was a seller's market, but we thought it might sit for a few days, get shown a few times, and then get an offer by the end of the week. We've already had 3 offers.

Not only have we already had 3 offers, but one of them was $5,000 above our asking price. With 8 more people scheduled to see it today, and no other real options available in that price range in our area I'm thinking that we might get an even higher offer, but we'll have to see. Depending on how things go our house may only be on the market for 2 days.

This is why it's important to learn home maintenance, basic carpentry, lawn care, and other skills that will allow you to maintain and upgrade your house. Ours was built in the 1920's and had been renovated a few times, poorly, and we had to completely gut the thing and start from scratch. The house you live in may be in better shape, and might only require minor upgrades/repairs in order to be ready to sell.

If you've considered it in the past, and have friends/family you could stay with while looking for a new home, then now is the time to get that house on the market. The interest in houses right now is so insane than we've had the house listed in Zillow for something like 17 hours and we already have 550 views and 34 saves. That is insane.

With the extra money from stimulus checks and unemployment benefits I guess people have saved up enough that they are comfortable getting out of an apartment and into their first home. Plus, with interest rates as low as they are you would be insane not to buy now.

All this has got me thinking about this house, and all the work that was put into it. I've lived in this house longer than I've lived anywhere else in my life, and we've poured a lot of ourselves into it. As tired as I am, and as ready as I am to just sit down and relax at the new house, there is still a part of me that's pretty excited about starting the journey all over again.

P.S. Anyone who has been reading my articles for a while will understand; I think my dream is about to come true.

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