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How much do you REALLY earn with passive income?

That's a really good question, random reader. I'm glad you asked it, because it's one of those hot button issues for me. When I got started in all this there were a thousand websites all saying something to the effect of "Make over $100 per day!" and I have to say, I fell for it. The numbers all get hyped up to attract as many visitors to the sight as they can, and to be fair I'm sure there are SOME people out there making $3k a month. However, I have seen their sites and I can assure you that short of quitting your job and doing an insane amount of work you will probably never see that kind of money.

So many sites said "Use Google AdSense or BidVertiser", and I would to some small extent, but until your site is big you will get declined. Like I did. When I got that e-mail my heart poured out of my open mouth onto my fake hardwood floor. The way I saw it my site wasn't worth some pixels... I mean, pixels... and I was crushed. My dreams of making this living off a website hit the ground with all the grace of a dropped phone book or a husky kid doing a belly flop off the high dive.

So If you can't make a bajillion dollars, or even get advertisements right away for a site, is it even worth it to try making a passive income. Even after my failures, the answer is a resounding yes for one big reason. I don't make hundreds of dollars a month... YET. I do however earn around $50 - $100 a month from the various survey sites I have listed on and I also do use amazon affiliate links there.

The neat thing about the Amazon affiliate links is that I can customize them for the products I am trying to use as a "for example" to go with some of my passive income ideas.

I also believe it is worthwhile to do it because even small amounts of money can still make a difference. I make just around $10 a month from the Microsoft Rewards site for just doing normal web searches every day. We have done product testing in our house before, which has given us kitchen gadgets, small electronics, and beauty supplies for my girlfriend.

Income is income, and even if it's $100 a month instead of $100 a day it adds up over the course of a year. I try to keep my website updated on a daily basis with ways you can earn money, and I try to keep as many of those ideas as I can inline with the notion of being 'truly passive', but there is a place for near passive income which I will cover next.

I leave you with this: Is it just me, or does Ellen look more and more like a younger Peter Cetera as she gets older? Friggin time paradox man!

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