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I want to build a website!

OMG me too! Wait, I already did it. Am currently doing it? Will never be done with it? None of those sound right, but all of them are true. I had no idea how much time I could sink into both this blog and my site. I had a lot of help from Wix, who's website building tools are amazing. With the premium account they help take care of the SEO, domain acquisition, answer my questions, all sorts of things.

If you have never built a website before, like me, most of that will go right over your head. Don't worry, I was sitting at my computer for the first 3 hours scratching my head as I tried to figure all this out on my own. The biggest lesson here is that we don't need to figure all of this out alone; there is a vast array of websites you can go visit to read blogs, watch videos....

Yep, it's a spiral. You visit all these sites trying to figure things out, you see all the ads and help everyone else make money. That's the point. I chose to make a website about earning passive income, and if that is your goal you should do it. However, you can make an informative website about ANYTHING, as long as you are truly passionate about it and are willing to spend nights and weekends getting it going. Once your website is 'finished' and you get listed with the search engines then you too become part of the spiral.

That being said, don't do like so many of the other guys do - do not populate your site with tons of irrelevant ads, or try to hide them and trick the user into clicking them. Will you earn money that way? Yes. Will you lose a repeat visitor? More than likely.

I am learning as I go on this aspect of passive income, but from what I have seen so far it is plainly obvious that Google Is Watching You. Focus on creating content, and not about monetization. Get your site as well polished as you can, for both PC and mobile devices, and work on sharing your site through social media.

As much work as it can be, I have found this process to be very enjoyable. It has not been so difficult that I wanted to give up at any point; I'm just a Kentucky boy without any college experience, I've had no formal classes on any of this, and would you believe I built this site only a week ago from this post?

If I can do it, you can do it. The only thing holding you back now is the drive, and possibly the money. The total cost so far for this website, and the premium hosting, was about $115 which I paid for with money from online surveys. I wanted to do this with zero real-money investment to prove that it could be done. I am now working on Facebook advertising in the Los Angeles, Houston, and New York areas which costs about $25 for 5 days of advertising.

Keep reading to learn more about my journey into passive income and check out my Facebook page, and if ya'll could like and share it so this site can grow I'd greatly appreciate it.

We went to Grand Cayman last year in December, where I woke up every morning and fished in my pajamas. I would rather catch a hundred of these French grunts, and enjoy fishing all day, as compared to waiting all day to maybe (more than likely not) catch one big fish. That's my entire philosophy with passive income!

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