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Intro to Magnet Fishing

Magnet fishing is one of those hit or miss activities, but when you do find something its about more that just the money you can make. There are many times when your finds will be pretty old, and could have some neat history attached to them. Let's go over some basics and then you can decide if magnet fishing is for you.

What is Magnet Fishing?

It's literally a strong magnet on a strong rope, secured very well, and then thrown into the water and retrieved. You allow the magnet to sink, drag it across the bottom, and then do it over again until you've covered as much of the bottom as you can.

Why would anyone ever do this?

People throughout history have lost things in the water. Many throw things in to hide them, like criminals and firearms. It's not uncommon to fish up pieces of, or in some cases, an entire weapon. This can include handguns, rifles, shotguns, and knives. Many people in Western Europe find WW2 weaponry that was lost below the water. It isn't just about weaponry; old signs, tools, watches - anything that can be picked up by a magnet.

Is it legal? Where do I go?

In some places yes, and others no. You'll need to check with your local authorities or search a magnet fishing forum to find out where it is legal to magnet fish. Ponds and lakes are usually safe, as long as you know the owner and ask permission, and even streams can yield unique treasures.

What kind of equipment do I need?

Most of us don't have a giant magnet sitting in our garage, so we go to the place that carries everything:

Amazon carries this kit (click on picture to visit sale page) which is a great starter kit. You can go smaller, but you definitely want to have the power to pull back in your find through whatever else is sitting at the bottom.

What kind of stuff do people find?

There are a lot of different items people have pulled up while magnet fishing. More often then not its rebar and scrap, which still has value, but it's the chance of finding things like these:

It should be noted that the only coins you'll find in US waters is the 1943 steel penny. You can pull up other coins if they are in something that has at least 1 component that can be picked up with a magnet. In Europe, where many of the coins have steel centers, you can find much more currency.

Should I try Magnet Fishing?

That's up to you. I love the idea of being outdoors, but sometimes it's too cold to fish or nothing to hunt is in season. That is a great time to grab your magnet and head down to the water. It's the chance of what you COULD find that draws many people to try it, and the fact that it hasn't become completely mainstream yet that means there are still some BIG finds out there. Imagine pulling up an old tommy gun, or a small safe full of old coins. Who knows why people threw their things into the river, but we thank them when we haul it up. So give magnet fishing a try, or check out some YouTube videos, and see if it's right for you.

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