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Is it time to switch careers?

(Every situation is different, so please weigh all your options carefully before committing to anything.) Do you hate your job? I don't mean that you wish your job was a little better, but that you flat out cannot stand to wake up every morning and go to work. Are you an "essential worker"? We, as essential workers, are some of the most under-payed people in the entire country. Why do we let ourselves get treated this way? What are our options? It stands to reason that, if we are truly essential, then we would be making a salary that reflects that. Most essential workers in the U.S. are making either minimum wage or just barely above it. When the service industry ground to a halt it left many people scrambling to file for unemployment. As more and more workers from across the spectrum of the work force in the US self-quarantined and worked from home, there were many of us who had no choice but to continue putting our health, and the health of our loved ones, at risk so that others could be safe. While that's a noble gesture, we live in a world where the richest among us (and often times those in the upper middle class) expect us to risk our own health so that they don't have to.

Maybe it's time we stop catering to them. In our society we are expected to wake up and work for someone else; it didn't always used to be this way. People used to work for themselves, at their own homes or in their own shops, and their work earned them a wage on par with the services they rendered, The wealthy will tell you that someone who flips burgers doesn't deserve as much as a college graduate. I worked in various restaurants for years, as a line cook on up to being responsible for commercial and prison kitchens, and I can tell you this: The person who is "just" fixing you food deserves as much as you make for sitting on your ass behind a desk all day. It won't just change; we will need to take steps, individually, to make an impact on our lives. The first, and the scariest thing you will need to do is either find a new job or make your own business. This blog has multiple articles about home based businesses, and of course there are countless ideas out there on the web. No matter what, the idea is basically the same; you become the boss, hire employees, and you control the money you make. Just make sure you pay your employees a wage you would want to be payed. Slowly, we can take this country away from the super rich and put it back into the little guy's hands. Plus, I don't know of any feeling better than being in control of your own life. So start figuring out what you want to do for a job and either make your own business, or at the very least look around for a new job with higher pay. We only get one life, so you'd better make it count. If you liked this article then check out The Blog! where I make near daily posts about making money online/from home, my hobbies, passive income streams, and much more.

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