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Ladies and Gents, we have activity!

I was curious as to the rate at which my site would grow organically, or how many clicks and views I would get without using backlinks and paid advertising. The site went live on Google on January 31, so today is day 3 - and I am officially up to 2 clicks on my Amazon links, and I have had 45 visits from 36 unique visitors to my site. I bet you're thinking "Big deal, that's chump change", and you are correct. But it is free chump change and I didn't spend any extra money to get that traffic. I had been playing with the idea of doing a paid advertising blitz through Facebook to multiple states across the U.S., but seeing even these small numbers is making me rethink that for the time being.

I need more content, ways to keep people coming back to the site or leaving without going past the first page. Between the brief overviews on and the more detailed information on this blog, I am very excited about the possibilities - and with my work on The Outdoor Store coming along nicely, I should be able to add even more explorable locations and content to my page within the next week or so.

If you came here to learn how to make passive income, then stay tuned. I won't ever make a million dollars off this blog, but if I can get myself up to a steady $100 a month or more then this will have all been a success - and I will be able to pass more and more of what I have learned and how you can do it too.

And here is your giggle for this post: Can a Kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State building? Of course, the Empire State building can't jump....


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