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Lionbridge: Work from home Internet Careers

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

(This job is available to residents of many countries around the world)

Google algorithms, advertising formulas, computer created code snippets, blah blah blah. We rely on computers more and more to show us the things we want to see, but computers aren't really that smart. Sometimes it takes a human to help out the algorithm and figure out what you meant to type in the search bar, or the types of ads a site would actually benefit from.

Lionbridge has many job openings across many categories; some require foreign language skills, others require nothing more than someone interested in working. This is not passive income, but earning $12 an hour or more is something that needs to be talked about. Often times companies like this will pay the bare minimum possible, often times simply posting lists of microtasks that you would have to work at all day just to make minimum wage.

Lionbridge caters to those wanting to work full time, or those who are only available to work a few hours. Head over to and see for yourself how many different job opening/careers are available.

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