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Make your own business: Interior Design

How did she do it? She was confident. There is almost nothing else that you actually need besides confidence, and the ability to speak to other people, in order to sell you "vision". You can go to school and take classes on design, you can watch a ton of HGTV, or read all the design magazines you can find, but at the end of the day it's going to come down to your ability to make the other person "see" what you have planned.

Creating the business it's self is easy; you can create a free website on countless sites, but in order to be legitimate you're going to have to pay the yearly fee for your own .com hosting which is around $12-$15 per year. You'll need business cards because even in this digital age people still want something tangible. Beyond that, all you really need is the ability to articulate your plans to your customer.

If it's so easy how come more people don't do it? Actually, they do - and a lot of them fail because they are trying to con people. The goal of this article isn't to show you how easy it is to trick people into paying you for crap work; it's to show you that people do it every day. So how can you succeed, where so many others fail, at a business that takes so little to start? You'll need knowledge of design, the ability to quickly sketch out your ideas for your client, and the ability to research products online.

The rest of it is all business, which is where most of the people fail. Poor spending practices, bad recommendations from past customers, no website; there are so many different things that can lead to a business going under. Be honest with your clients, work hard for each and every one of them, and don't try to get rich off every job you do. Before you know it you'll have a small thriving business doing something you have an actual interest in. Like so many other things, all it takes is you getting started.

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