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Making a business: Become a fishing guide

I have been seeing a pretty crazy trend while kayak shopping; if you try to buy a kayak online then you will see that there are almost none in stock - anywhere. While some of this can probably be attributed to cart abandonment, I think what it really is showing is that more and more people are getting out onto the water. Fishing and kayaking/canoeing are fun activities that can be enjoyed during the pandemic, and I can't wait to get started my self.

So, how does this translate into a business? Become a fishing guide, offering routes through publicly accessible waterways that you yourself fish and know well. It isn't right for everyone, but for some of you out there it can be an easy way to earn an extra income on the weekends doing something you already love.

There are some things you'll want to consider, like waivers in case of an accident and taking a CPR class to be more attractive to potential clients. You'll need a knowledge of fishing and of the waterways you plan on navigating. You might offer a seat in a tandem kayak/canoe or offer groups events where everyone brings their own watercraft. You can offer targeted species outings or even over-nighters if you're comfortable doing it.

It is a niche market, but one that is growing every day with so many YouTubers creating fishing videos and with more and more people wanting to get started in outdoors activities it is a prime time to get your name out there and start your business.

You'll want to check online and see if anyone has an established fishing guide business in your area. Check on the rates and what they offer, and see if you can't do better. Most importantly, if you don't treat it as just a business but as an activity you would enjoy doing then you will likely be able to charge less than someone trying to earn their entire income from fishing guide tours.

If you are lucky enough to live in areas where trout are naturally occurring throughout the year then you have a leg up over most aspiring guides; there are few anglers out there who wouldn't pay good money to get shown to a "secret" trout spot that actually yields quality fish in reasonable numbers. You don't need to limit out, but you do need to be able to deliver on a good chance at catching a fish.

To get started you need to get out there and fish yourself. Don't just go where everyone else is fishing; get into that kayak/canoe and go back into the creeks, or portage overland to get to more isolated areas. If you own property with a lake or creek running through it then take the time and explore the entire thing. Acquire the knowledge you need to lead someone into the area with confidence, and safety in mind, and you could end up with a part time job that allows you to fish at work. Isn't that the dream?

Make sure you follow all your local laws in regards to boating safety, fishing licenses, and camping. Make sure you are allowed on the land and waterway you plan on fishing. There should be no chance of a technicality ruining a client's trip - your new business will be based on word of mouth in large part, and a bad review could kill your dream before it even really gets going.

So, like I say every time, just get out there and get started. The death of a dream is inactivity.

If you liked this article then check out The Blog! where I write near-daily posts about passive income, working from home/online, my hobbies, home repairs, and much more.

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