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Making a website: How much is my website worth?

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

Website making has been very interesting for me. I started my site at the end of January 2020 with an initial investment of $135. At the time of this article I have opened a subpage (The Outdoor Store), started a blog (The Blog!), attempted to monetize my site through Google adsense (damn you, ads.txt error...), and written an eBook (Shameless plug here) to show that anyone can make a real attempt at passive income.

I have spent many, many hours in front of my computer creating the content for this site. Has it all been worth it? I think so. There are many sites out there that will estimate the value of your creation and one of my favorites is which will give you an idea of your value in minutes, and is totally free. No sign up required.

They even give you this handy widget to show your value. At the time of writing this post I was valued at $241 dollars. Not bad for one month and $135 down. Once I get adsense up that number will increase, and as I rank higher on Google as well. It's all about content, which is why, unlike some other sites, I take the time to produce at least one blog post every day. Will I eventually run out of ideas? No, because instead of just posting this stuff up I am actually doing it, and explaining the process so you can feel comfortable and have some advanced knowledge should you try any of these ideas yourself.

So, head over to or another site/blog building service and try building a site for free today.

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