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March 1st - First day of the new fishing year

Updated: Mar 4, 2020

I woke up with the intention of writing another post about a way to make money online, but my mind is somewhere else right now. It's on a lake, with the early morning fog rolling across the water. The sun is just coming up, and I can see fish hitting small floating debris on the surface. I am the only person there, with the temperature and wind chill at 28' F, and I am ready.

Equipped with an UglyStick and Shimano reel, tackle box in hand, and a camp chair slung over my shoulder. This is the reason I've been writing about passive income - I've always wanted to fish more. I was born in Eastern Kentucky... it's in my blood to be in pursuit of an animal. Today I am hunting trout, as the fishery stocked the ponds and lakes of the area in mid February. My daily limit is 6, and I'm prepared to stay and fish until I hit that limit, or until the rains move in.

There is something really magical about being out here like this, and not everyone can see it. I've sat next to water moccasins, had minks run across my feet as they played, and been serenaded by the frogs. I've watched osprey get their lunch with a death-defying dive towards the water, and I've had hummingbirds floating in front of my face as they tried to figure out where to feed from my red T-shirt.

On these colder mornings I'm not likely to see much, except the swell of the water as a trout searches for a meal, or the occasional bass making his presence known by jumping straight out of the water. Whether it's a sunfish or a large gar, it doesn't matter. I don't have to focus on just one species; I'm not too proud to catch a crappie. I am in this for the adventure, never knowing what is going to bend your rod tip, or what I will have on my dinner plate tonight. I do know one thing:

It is the first day of the new fishing year, and money is the farthest thing from my mind this morning. If you get the chance you should go yourself, take your family or a friend, and enjoy being outside in this world.

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