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My E-Books

Today is a shameless plug day; it's my blog and I can do what I want. In all seriousness, I'm proud of my books. They started as an idea about making passive income through sales on Amazon and now here I am, author to multiple titles with more in the works. I have them set up so that you don't even have to buy them; as long as you are a member of Kindle Unlimited, or the Kindle Lending Library for international users, then you can read them for free.

Take a look at them, see how I decided to write mine, and really consider writing your own. I've only made about $2.00 in commissions so far, but that's because of Amazon's review process. I need 15 reviews for each book, no matter the rating, to show up at a reasonable position using their intra-site search system. Most people pay for the reviews, but that's not who I am. If you decide to read any of these, then please leave an honest review, even if you hated it.

I'm not an author by any stretch of the imagination; I've had no college education, no writing classes, and no connections in the business. For years it took all of those things to make a book, but now all all it takes is a desire to tell a story and access to an Amazon account. I didn't pay a penny to have these books created, and while they aren't going to be best-sellers I still am proud of them. Start writing something you can be proud of today.

My name is Dale, and I write a daily entry into The Blog! about passive income streams, my hobbies, home repairs, making money from home/online, and much more. If you're interested then head over to the link and check it out.

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