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My first eBook is now live on Amazon: When no one else matters...

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

Its taken me 2 weeks of work, and at 113 Kindle pages it's a light read - I'm hoping it will build interest in the characters and the world I created for them so that I know whether to invest my time in a sequel. There is some language, adult themes, and scenes depicting manipulation, but at it's heart it is a sci-fi novel written in a dystopian future.

I set the price at on the low side because of it's length, and though I'm happy with the quality of my first work, I can't wait to start possibly writing a sequel.

The process, thanks to KDP, was extremely easy and straightforward. Aside from some misunderstanding about copyrights (I'll explain that one in another post) I had no problems creating the cover using their creation tool, and formatting the book for kindle tablets. Hopefully you'll give it a try and leave a review!

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