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Passive Income Ideas 2020: Purchasing an existing domain

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

I started this site expecting zero traffic for the first few months. Suddenly I had people from all over the world looking, just not in great quantities. I've tried many ways to boost my organic traffic, but it's just one of those things that takes time. But, does it have to?

People like myself make websites every day, they pay to have them hosted, and due to either an error in their SEO plan or lack of interest in the project the domain doesn't get paid for the following year. It still exists, and can receive traffic, but there is no owner. Until you come along, that is.

If you have a website about gumballs that is receiving little organic traffic and you purchase an existing site with a moderate amount of traffic then you have a couple of options:

1.) 301 redirect from the domain you bought to the domain with little traffic. This keeps your google ranking intact on the existing domain.

2.) Edit the domain you bought to include a prominent link to your personal site, monetize them both with ads, and let the traffic decide to come to you or not.

Both methods have their pros and cons, but either way you will have purchased an existing domain with traffic that gives you options.

Whether or not you're interested in increasing traffic for an existing site, simply owning an existing domain with monetized traffic is yet another passive revenue stream. Sites with a lot of traffic will be far more expensive, but a site with some traffic and the potential for growth based on it's content type/niche is a project that can be worked on over time to increase your monthly cash flow.

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