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Pinterest: How to create backlinks to your site/blog

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

If you're like me then you want to get as many eyes on your blog as possible - that's the entire point when it comes to monetizing your content. I want people to read this blog and get honest ideas for ways to earn passive / near-passive income, but I also want the site to pay for it's self and even put a few bucks in my pocket on occasion.

In a previous post I talked about adding ads to your site / blog to achieve just that, but how do you get people to visit your site in greater volume? Backlinks, but specifically for this post I'm referring to backlinks you create yourself. Many people hijack forums and post about their site, which I have personally done on reddit - the problem is that other people are doing it too, so your post gets pushed to the bottom of the pile unless you can keep getting upvoted.

Pinterest is basically one big advertising board, so the strategy I'm using is to create a pin for every single one of my blog posts and sites with an accompanying picture and catchy phrase. This way I'm creating many links to my content, and as they are getting shared I have more and more instances of my backlinks appearing throughout Pinterest.

These are links I can trust because I am creating them, and when that traffic comes to my page I can redirect them to other relevant content as well. It's win / win for me as far as time invested; it's free advertising, and it's free site traffic. I hope this idea inspires you to begin creating backlinks to your own site. Check out the rest of The Blog! for other ideas as I work my way into passive income!

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