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Publishing my eBook!

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

I just published my very first eBook, When no one else matters, on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Honestly, it couldn't have been easier. I wrote the manuscript in OpenOffice and easily converted it into a .doc file. After uploading to the KDP database I was able to create a cover for free using their cover creator tool.

The formatting was almost entirely automatic, the program knew which lines were chapter headings, and final reworks inside the editor took less than 20 minutes. After determining my royalty rate (I chose 35% so I could charge .99 cents for purchase price; if I had chosen 70% I would had to have charged $2.99 bare minimum, and with the length of my book I didn't feel that was fair) I clicked publish and BAM! this eastern Kentucky boy has written an eBook!

Only time will tell how successful it will be, but I know one thing: I'm proud to have done it, and plan on writing a sequel in the next few months. If you're interested I'll be throwing a link up on my site once I can access the affiliate link for it.

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