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Reselling bulk Chinese goods

Ever been to Amazon and seen something like this:

and then looked further and seen something like this?

This is a prime example of reselling bulk Chinese goods. They are nearly identical products, offer almost all of the same accessories, and have obscure brand names you've never heard of before - often times they are made in the same factory. Despite that, both of these are selling. People often talk about wanting to buy American, yet when push comes to shove it's all about price, convenience, and accessories offered.

You can go to places like Alibaba and find tons of products being made in China (some of which look AWEFULLY familiar) for resale. More often than not you buy in bulk, and depending on the manufacturer you either take physical delivery or there might be other options available.

If you look closely, you will see that a very large percentage of the products on Amazon are sold this way, so why not get involved? I do not personally use this means of passive income, but I have looked at it closely. Know who else does this type of product resale? Ever been to Harbor Freight or Wal-Mart? Both have lines of tools, that upon closer inspection are the exact same tool just with different colors and a different brand label.

It doesn't have to be tools. Hammocks, beauty products, fashion accessories, small electronics, food items, knives, automobile parts.... I seriously can't list them all. You can sell them directly through Amazon like the products listed above, use DropShip, ship them yourself, or there are more options if you are willing to do the research.

Some companies will even let you have some creative control in the products themselves .Want a different color? Have your name plastered all over the thing? Done! Ever wondered where swag with company logos came from? Well now you know, and with that knowledge I leave you with this blog post's joke:

I got in touch with with my inner-self last night. That is the LAST time I buy cheap toilet paper....

You know you loved it....

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8 comentários
04 de fev. de 2020

Nah, you're asking a legitimate question that helps out everyone if it's answered. Anyone who has a question should ask it, you're just lucky I'm sick and on my couch today : )


04 de fev. de 2020

cool thanks. sorry for misusing your comment section for that :-)

04 de fev. de 2020

let me dig into it a bit and i'll post up something


04 de fev. de 2020

hey, are you familiar with alibaba and it's quirks and can kind of emplain stuff around there? cause for example I am looking at this offer for redbull: and wondering:

if I could buy just 1 or 2 3x4can packs only, how much they cost, how much shipping, etc. is so how much total cost would be, how long till it arrives, etc. if I as a non-merchant, so private individual, can also order these 2 packs, etc. I also dont understand most stuff on the pack, with the T/T, L/M, etc. is supposed to be, how you can pay there (if you can use paypal and stuff and not just shitty credit card only)

you know more about this stuff and how it all works?…


04 de fev. de 2020

wtf, they have nescafe? :O I'm not kidding, that stuff is sold in my local supermarket for like 5-6 bucks a piece!

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