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Social Distancing: The perfect way to save money

Change requires a catalyst; very few people ever decide to upend their lifestyle for no reason. With the threat of the Coronavirus on every television, and governors telling people it is better to stay at home, many of us have had the decision made for us. We are spending less money.

For most, when the social distancing protocols are lifted and we are told to go back to work, we will go right back to spending the same way we always did. What if we didn't? What if this forced change to our lifestyles and behaviors showed us exactly what we can live without and we are able to save more money than ever before?

I have been advocating for people to spend less since I created this site. That doesn't mean that you have to go without; instead of dining at a restaurant, why not fix dinner for your family? Instead of buying that expensive coffee, why not make it yourself at home? Instead of going to the theater, why not wait a little while and rent the same movie from your couch?

2 years ago we cut the cord and got rid of cable. I was miserable at first, thinking about the shows I was missing. What drove me onward was the thought that every single month brought me that much closer to financial independence. Why would we not strive towards a life that isn't dictated by a company's desire for profit? Why would we not crave a job where we set our own hours and pay? Big corporations don't want to admit it, but we are headed that way now.

Hundreds of years ago a house was a place that earned you money; now, we pay every month, and not a small amount. Let's get back to our roots and make our lives that much better and more rewarding. Head to your favorite search engine and look up things you can do at home to make money. Check out the other articles in this blog. The resources are available.

Before you say "This guy is crazy!" ask yourself this question: Is it right that companies who make millions/billions of dollars off of our hard work every single year are asking for more money from the US Government? That money comes out of our taxes, which are supposed to be there to better our quality of life. I am not anti-government; in fact, I am a staunch Democrat who understands the need to tax citizens and supports it. However, that can only be done responsibly when the money is going towards social projects.

The next time you think about taking a cruise, ask yourself this question: Do the cruise ships deserve your patronage and money, when during this crisis they were asking for a bailout? Did you know the major cruise lines have their boats registered under the flags of other nations so they don't have to pay US taxes? Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself.

Let's get back to a more economically responsible outlook on our spending. After all the dust has settled, whenever that is, and our lives go back to something like normal, let's support the local farmers by buying from farmer's markets. Let's buy what we can from local businesses, and support our communities. Let's save our money, instead of feeding the companies that mismanage their own finances to the point where they beg taxpayers to give them MORE during a crisis.

At the very least, maybe make that cup of coffee at home and save the $4+ it would have costed you at the coffee shop. It's a start, and all change needs to start somewhere.

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