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Stimulus check and unemployment

If you are one of the lucky people who are going to come out of this thing ahead because of the extremely high unemployment benefits and the stimulus check, then stop for a moment. Many people, just like you, were supposed to get the same kind of relief that you got; hardworking people who's jobs were taken as they sacrificed their earnings for the safety of strangers. I've seen my social media feeds over the last few weeks, and basically it's a bunch of people talking about how big of a new TV they are going to buy.

It is your money, and you can spend it however you like, but take a moment to think. It could have been you who lost your job. It could have been you who was waiting for their check to come, and no other source of income. If you were lucky enough to receive unemployment, the extra unemployment benefits, AND you received your stimulus check then maybe its time to think about next time.

Sure, big TVs and down payments on new cars are exciting. After so many days in lock down you probably feel like you deserve something, but instead of giving yourself that new thing, why not give yourself some financial security. What if the virus returns in the fall? What if we develop a vaccine and the virus mutates, leaving us to fight it yearly like the flu? There are too many unknowns, and when it comes to money and unknown is just not acceptable.

With interest rates being low it is a great time to spend money; on the flip side, with rates being low it isn't as lucrative to save it. Still, putting that money aside in case their is a next time for the Coronavirus is one of the smartest things you can do right now. Having that extra money available in case of another emergency can go a long way towards your mental health.

Like I said in the second paragraph, it's your money and you can do with it as you please. If you are coming to this site and reading my blog then it means you are interested in making money, saving it where you can, and looking for ways to increase your wealth in realistic ways that aren't massive gambles. Anyone can write an article about "expanding your wealth 1000% over a month!", and yes you can do it if your initial investment is $5. I'm talking about making the most economical decision that will have the greatest impact, and even though it won't be popular right now, if you have the means to save this windfall then you should be.

Hi, my name is Dale. If you like this article then check out The Blog! where I make near daily posts about making money from home/online, hobbies, passive income streams, home repair tips, and much more.

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