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Tellwut: An honest Review

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I usually have positive things to say about survey sites, because at the end of the day you are making money from home. I recently signed up for Tellwut, a newer survey site that I hadn't heard of before. I gave them some information and started noticing some odd things about the site.

I am not a member of the grammar police, but for the love of southern sweet tea you could make even the slightest attempt. "How big revenue is company?" I could understand if it was blatantly obvious that the site had used a bad translation service to convert it into English, but at the bottom of the site there are endorsements from the BBB and the Survey Police.

The site is riddled with major spelling errors as well, which isn't the end of the world, but these things are adding up to make it look like someone rushed this site together to grab a few cents here and there off the ads that are on every page. I continued on, despite the warning signs and my gut feelings.

You are given 100 points for giving some basic information, then you are given more points for your shipping address. Tellwut rewards you again for telling them about your interests, and when all is said and done you will have earned 250 points. Your gut would tell you that you've earned $2.50, since many of the premium sites are offering at least a few dollars to sign up, but no. A $10 Amazon gift card costs 4000 points, making each point worth $0.0025. Your 250 point signup bonus is worth almost $0.63.

Tellwut does split it's surveys into two categories, in house and external. The in house surveys are fast, usually just a few questions, with payout of 5-10 points for a few seconds worth of work, which is unique compared to other sites I have used/am using. With enough time spent on them I suppose you could earn a little money. The biggest disappointment on Tellwut is the external surveys.

From what I am seeing across the other sites, 50-70 cents for 15-20 minutes is about standard. There are slightly higher and lower payouts, but that is a good average. Tellwut's payouts are between 50-200 points. That's $0.12 to $0.50, which falls well below the average. The only reason for this that I can come up with is that Tellwut wants to put more of that money into their own pockets.

Payout is a joke as well. I've copied the section directly from their rewards page:

"First time redeemers will have their card mailed to the address associated with their Tellwut account. Members who have redeemed before will have their cards e-mailed to the email address on their account. E-cards are not sent automatically upon redemption. Orders will be fulfilled within fifteen days of redemption. Shipping times will vary depending on your location but are approximately 3-5 days. Cards are non refundable once the order is processed."

In the world of paid survey sites, that is just pitiful. You would have much better luck at InstaGC (literally, instant gift cards), Swagbucks, or PrizeRebel. I hate to see a site that is just so far below the others, and I know that all sites have to start somewhere, so I went ahead and completed all of the short in house surveys. I am now up to 425 points, or $1.06 for 35 minutes (including signup time and the original 250 point signup bonus). It took me a total of 15 minutes to answer 21 short surveys, earning me a total of $0.43 for my efforts.

I always like to take time to list at least a few pros for every site, so I will say this. If you are interested in a small daily payout that doesn't take a whole lot of time, then this site can be a nice addition to a daily routine that involves video players and search reward sites. I'll have to keep using this site to see if it's worth it, and I hope the Canadian company who owns it takes the time to upgrade their site in the near future. If you want to try it for yourself then visit my referral link here to help out my site; it doesn't take any of the money that you earn away, the site just gives me a little extra for routing you there.

So that's my review of Tellwut, and as I use the site more and see changes being made then I will write an update post. At the end of the day, any money that takes little to no real work is a good thing; I just wish the payouts were a bit higher. Read my other blog posts to see more reviews of money making sites and services.

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