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The reality has set in...

This is my first website, I went into this blind, and you get to come along for the ride. I have worked on tweaking my site, SEO, links connecting relevant areas of my blog to my site, and I decided to take a break. There are no breaks. I go outside to get some air, think about looking up the news on my phone, and think of another website related question that my fingers type into the search before my brain had a chance to say "Oh, baby, no.....". Of course it's about the Amazon Associate's program, who's user agreement is long enough that they should publish it as an e-book. I was reading it through for the 7th time when I came across the section that my Eastern Kentucky brain didn't want to recognize at first. You can't post a link from Amazon, and then reference the price listed in the link in the text of your site.

I was Angrier than a red<insert the other word for donkey> bee, and I had no one to blame but me. Most of the site was filled with things like that to reference product examples.

Another failure you can learn from John Q. Public: Read your agreements and contracts thoroughly, then read them 7 more times.

I finally re-organized and re-wrote a massive portion of the work I did today, and I can honestly say I am happier than a skint-legged frog gettin' a new pair of britches. Also, a very informative website about building... you guessed it, websites! This link isn't sponsored at all, I found the site and think it is an amazing resource for anyone getting ready to try this:

My parting gift to you for this post, I caught a moray eel - and they like to bite. And are slimy. And I like fishing in my jammers. Don't hate.

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