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Things to do while stuck at home: Make a Website

Let's face it; by this point you're probably stuck at home and bored out of your mind. Why not put the time to good use? Get started on your passive income journey and sign up for Wix today. Do you have to use Wix? No, but I do so that is the site I'll be talking about today. If you'd rather use another site, then pick your favorite and get started.

Why should I make a website?

People are doing the same thing you are; they are looking online. Now is one of the best times to get into personal website creation. Make content that you would find interesting and worth reading, and others will likely enjoy it too. Your goal is to make a website that visitors will come back to over and over again, and for that to happen it either needs to be a store or a blog. I personally chose to start with a blog, and here I am now with 90 articles and hundreds of visitors. The growth has been slow, but I have learned so much. I can't wait to get started building my next site.

Don't I need to take classes or something?

The reason I chose Wix, and other sites might be the same, is that it takes little to no coding experience. I knew nothing about website creation before I started, and while my site isn't the most polished or amazing website I've ever seen, I was the one to make it. I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far, and If you start a website of your own you will likely feel the same way.

The Wix website editor allows you to place shapes, text boxes, pictures, etc. onto either a blank background or onto one of many pre-made templates. The only coding I have had to do so far is copying and pasting codes from other website into html boxes on my pages.

I don't want to pay for my site.

With Wix you don't HAVE to pay for your website, but if you want a .com of your own, then that will cost you, same as with any other site building company. I chose to pay for a yearly membership because I would get access to all of the search engine optimization tools (not included with the free site) which for me are absolutely necessary. By paying for the year I was able to get this site and blog up and going within a week, and then getting searches within the first month.

With my other websites, all free Wix websites, I still don't think I've had a visitor and it's been about 3 months. If you want a site to share directly with customers then go with a free site and give them the address. If you want a site that can be searched through Google and Bing then pay for the yearly site hosting.

How long does it take to make money from a website?

I have been working at this for a little over 3 months and I haven't seen a penny. I know that's not what you want to hear, but you have to think about my subject matter. A LOT of people are searching for my topic, and there are many other sites offering information. I am trying to be different by writing a new article every single day, where as many of the other ones have been abandoned or allowed to sit without updates for months or years. Once people find me then they may come back, and that's what I'm hoping for, but its a slow process.

If you have a unique topic that doesn't have much competition then you may notice more site visitors. If you set up an account with Google Adsense or another advertising company, then you can turn your site traffic into profit using ads. Someone clicking on an ad gets you whatever the ad is paying, but there is also Page RPM where you get payed per 1000 visitors who just scroll past the ad.

You can advertise products for Amazon and make money. You can promote a product you make or your own Ebook (Guilty). There are a lot of ways to make money, but if you're wanting to make serious money then it takes time. From what I've read it can take over a year to really get your foot in the door.

Should you make a website? Yes. If you have a business, are a writer, or just want to make money then a website is the way to go, but it's something you have to devote at least a little time to every day. It's going to take a while, but so many other sites are proof of concept.

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