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Universal Basic Income: Maybe it's time for a reset

I'm not an economist, but I do know one thing for certain: Every time we get a republican president* they claim that by giving the rich more money it will trickle down to the lower income individuals. It doesn't work, because the wealthy don't let their money trickle down. Even though Andrew Yang isn't in the race anymore, he left a vision in the minds of some voters. I'm one of them.

Universal Basic Income is money given to you by the Federal government, to spend as you see fit. When we spend that money, it gets taxed. Companies benefit from more product being sold. Workers can be more fairly compensated because of the massive influx of new money. America is happier as a whole because we work hard and actually get to buy/experience the things we want to in life.

To those who say "It won't work" - our government is making the first of these types of payments in the form of the Coronavirus stimulus checks. Republicans will say, once the data comes back, that it didn't stimulate the economy so we shouldn't do things like this anymore. They'll want to distribute the money the same way they always do; to the rich. We can't go out and shop right now, so of course it won't do anything other than helping to pay bills or online shopping. Once we can get back out to the stores, we WILL spend.

We should push for a Universal Basic Income because there is no reason, ever, that we should work hard our entire lives and not get to do the things we want to do in our free time because of money. It should make all of us sick to think that we work while others reap the benefits of our work. It's one of the major reasons I wanted to make a site like mine; We need to be finding ways to break away and stop earning money for other people.

It does sound crazy, but only because we've never tried anything like it before. Spain is currently adopting a basic income, so if you have doubts or questions you should look to them and see how the project is fairing. Don't let ANYONE tell you something won't work without verifiable evidence - especially if they have a vested interest in keeping you working so they make money.

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