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Update 5/8/2020: Site Traffic, Search Engine Results

Today's post will be kind of short, but hopefully it will help those wanting to start their own blog in regards to the time frame it can take before it becomes profitable. I started this blog and my website at the very end of January and started writing articles right around that time. Here we are, 3 months later, so lets see where I'm at.

On the Google Webmaster's Tools site I am currently showing 1080 total impressions with 5 clicks from searches, and my average position in searches is right at 65. The average position has been creeping up slowly since I started writing content, and once that number is high enough for me to be on the first page my clicks should really start to come up.

I am set up to view the stats from the Bing/Yahoo engine, but so far those numbers have confused me. It says I have gotten 10 clicks and appeared in searches 83 times which seems insanely low compared to the Google number. I'll have to look into that more.

It's slow, but at this point I have right around 130 different blog posts, multiple pages to my website, I'm monetized with Google Adsense; it's taking shape, but slowly. I can imagine that in a few more months I will appear pretty high in the search engine results, which means my clicks will go up. If I keep writing good content (I mean, I feel it's good content, but that's up to you to decide) then the site will continue to grow organically.

I guess this is why so many people give up on blogs. I am lucky in that I have a big enough pool of skills and specific knowledge to continue to write so many articles so often, but my blog is diversified by choice. If you are interested in writing a blog, even a hyper specific one, then just start doing it. Write about cars, your favorite recipes, places you've been to/want to go to. Start writing and get your name out there.

If you liked this article then check out more on the The Blog! where I write near daily posts on passive income streams, hobbies, making money online/from home, home repairs, and much more.

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