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Vindale Research: Product Tester?

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

I signed up for Vindale Research this morning, after reading reviews about becoming a product tester for them. My very first impression was "This is a scam" because of the massive amount of signup options you have to click through just to verify your email address. I powered through, clicking 'NO' for things like "You've earned $30, claim it by clicking yes", and after 3 pages full I got to the email verification.

After you're verified with Vindale Research you have to input some personal information into the survey qualification forms. One thing I did notice, and like, is that the page is secured in a 256-byte encrypted SSL form through Norton. After completing the survey regarding the job you work now they offer you a short (30 seconds max) survey that pays $1. As always, be honest on these surveys or else you'll forget your answers down the road and not get into very many surveys.

Most of the surveys they have listed are for $1.00+, and most say that they can be completed up to 10 times per day. That's very different from other survey sites. There are panels you can join to increase the money you make on the site, a local job board, what they are calling a "paid offer" (you buy something and they give you money), but the one thing I did not see what any information about product testing.

That may come later, once you've answered more surveys and they get a feel for what type of products would be a good fit for you. I would like to have seen a section about it though. All in all this site seems solid, and from what I've encountered so far you can potentially earn a fair bit of money; you're going to have to, because the cash out comes in the form of a check, and you must accumulate $50 to cash out.

If you want to try out Vindale Research click any of the red links in this article to let me be your referral. It doesn't cost you anything, and you keep all of the money you earn through the site. By clicking the link, I receive a small bonus that really helps keep this site running, but if you choose not to you can just go to to get started.

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