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We're back!

Needless to say, it's been a while since my last post. I have had to do the majority of the work on our remodel by myself, as contractors from all trades are completely swamped with work right now.

It's been going about as well as any remodel does; it's a lot of work, thinking, minor mistakes that have to get fixed, and then you move onto the next project. At least we have a professional doing the tile work in our kitchen. I could have done it myself, but this frees me up to work on other things that need to get done.

I recently got our internet up and going, so i'll be posting regularly but it may be a while before I can get fancy with links and pictures as I'm doing everything from my phone until I get my office set up.

I did take a small break to get some trout fishing in, and while the fish didn't seem interested in the lures I was using, I did manage to bonk a juvenile rainbow in the nose with an ultralight fly/spinner and got him to bite.

Things all over the world are pretty crazy right now, but I cannot describe how relaxing it was to spot a trout in the current and just cast ahead of him in an attempt to get the little guy to see it. The world fell away around me and I was able to clear my mind and focus on the fish. I can't wait to finish this remodel and get that new kayak and camera going to film some of my adventures.

That's all for this post; I hope everyone reading has stayed safe and is working towards getting some form of passive / near-passive income up and going. Be sure to read back over my older posts for ways to make money on the side and start living the life you want to live today!

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