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What I've learned after writing 4 eBooks

Every site about making money online, including my own, talks about writing an eBook. I decided to go one step further and actually do it, and not just once, 4 times. None of them are overly long, and fall in line with instructional manuals on different topics. I'm calling it my "For the Average Human" series, and so far the books include:

Basic Fishing for the Average Human

Emergency Preparedness for the Average Human

20 Passive Income idea for the Average Human

I've also written a short sci-fi novel titled "When no one else matters"

So, after taking the time to write these four titles and get them published through Amazon for the Kindle platform, what have I learned. One thing is that you can make money; just not very much. Without having reviews you won't be listed high in the list of available books, meaning very few people will ever even see that your book exists.

Last month's royalties with 2 available books was $1.09, and at the time of writing this post with 3 eBooks published I am at $0.13 for the first 4 days of March. Why so little money? I have all of my books listed in the Kindle Unlimited program where they can reach a larger audience with a better chance of being seen. The only problem with that is you get paid by how many pages they read. If they read all 30 pages of "Emergency Preparedness for the Average Human" then I make 13 cents. It's a trade off, considering that no one might have ever even seen it if it was only for sale.

There are days when you don't want to write, days when you can't wrap your mind around a subject, and days when you'll write 30 pages easily. The lesson I've learned is just to keep at it, little by little every day and before you know it you'll be proofreading. Amazon makes publishing an eBook amazingly simple, and if I've said it before then I'm sorry but I am going to say it again: Don't wait, just get started.

I'm confident that with enough time and exposure on social media I will get the reviews I need for my books to appear higher in Amazon's search rankings. That's the best part about writing an eBook: Once you write it, you can leave it alone and start on something else.

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