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Will things go back to normal?

The world as we know it is changing. If you had said just 6 months ago that there would be mass layoffs and the majority of Americans in some form of isolation then people would have said you're nuts. Every generation gets an event that defines them, but this virus will do more than that; there will be major economic changes ahead of us, as well as lifestyle and behavioral changes as well.

Businesses that may never be what they were before:

1.) The cruise industry, along with anything related to travel, will come back; the question is will they be as big as they once were? Depending on the length of this shutdown there could be major changes to the number of flights and destinations offered. The airlines are asking for government bailout money, but we have seen in the past that corporations usually pay their C-level employees/owner before making sure their employees are properly taken care of.

2.) There will have to be major changes to companies that own movie theaters, restaurants, and anywhere that offers entertainment with people grouped closely together. Make no mistake, this will not be the only time that a virus like this comes around. It is possible that the Coronavirus, in some form, could come back next year. It might mutate into a new strain, or there may simply be a new version every year like the flu. Gathering in public may not be an option for us anymore. I think there will be a massive surge in new accounts with Netflix and other streaming services.

3.) Sports will be forced to change. The days of packed stadiums and arenas will not survive. The threat of sickness coupled with the lack of revenue for months will cause many stadium owners to practically beg people to come back. Cheaper ticket prices coupled with discounts of food and drink may not be enough to save them. We are seeing the effects of our social practices with this virus, and many of us will choose to find a new way.

4.) What we choose to purchase may change as well. I can guarantee you that the day this virus is declared "beat", there will be a massive surge in consumer spending. However, will it last? Many people may come to realize what they truly need in this world, and choose to buy less unnecessary items. I think there will be more people purchasing goods and items that can help them through another lock down. Only time will tell with this one.

The other major change: The outlook of the under-appreciated American Worker

When the outbreak started getting worse, many of us were told that we were "essential" workers. We would have to continue to go to work, even though it meant we, or the people we love, might catch the virus. Celebrities started to self-quarantine, and the rich simply quit working. It opened my eyes all over again to something that we all know - there is this massive disconnect between the have's and the have-not's in this country. We were told in no uncertain terms that the average American worker is completely expendable, and for many os us that was a defining moment in our lives.

This world isn't fair, and I think most of us know that, but what I'm talking about goes beyond that. The American economy is built on the ideal that if you "work hard you'll make it", but as we are seeing now, that isn't the case. Yes, the US Government passed resolutions that increased unemployment benefits and a stimulus bill, but that isn't what our country needs.

We don't need a hand out - We need to be payed higher wages all the time.

If we are essential during times of crisis, then we are essential at all times. We have to stop letting these mega-corporations dictate our worth to us in the form of money. We are showing the world how essential we are, and it's time to demand a change.

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