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Writing an eBook: 8 days in

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

I've gotten the story that I want to tell finished, which comes in at around 25,000 words. My original goal was 50,000 but I've come to the point on this novella that anything else would just be fluff or getting into the next part of the story.

What originally was going to be a stand-alone eBook has morphed during the writing process into a multi-part story. I plan on releasing the eBook I have completed, see what kind of interest it generates, and then determine if there are enough readers out there to warrant investing 2-3 more weeks into a sequel. Honestly though, If even a handful of people read it and like it then I will start working on the next book.

While reading the KDP website I came across something I hadn't considered before in any meaningful way: copyrighting my work. I've looked around and come across different answers to this question, many contradicting the others, so now it's time to get back into research mode and figure this out.

While you're waiting for me to figure this all out why not get out a pen and paper, or open a text document on your laptop, and start writing down your ideas for your own eBook? Who knows, you may end up writing something that people are truly interested in reading.

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