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Writing an eBook: Let's get started!

How can I recommend something without doing it myself first? I wanted to make this site and blog in complete honesty, so I looked up how to write an eBook and basically found the same thing on everyone else's page.: Write a book, and submit it as an eBook.

Well, that sounds easy, eh? I've started writing many books, and never finished a single one because I find myself too busy and then I lose my train of thought. So, I started writing a fiction eBook today, mainly because I love fiction/fantasy/sci-fi, and you really should write about what you know.

I'll get started by going over how many words it should be. If you are trying to hit a minimum number and hit publish, don't. Make an outline of what you want to have happen in the book and start writing. Don't fill it full of so much detail that nothing ever happens in your book (fluff) in an attempt to increase your word count. Write it like a book you would want to read.

I started off this way, began writing, and now I'm nearing the end of my first chapter with over 2000 words. Many recommend a fiction book to be 50,000 to 70,000 words, so off to a great start. I'll finish chapter 1 tonight and then leave it until tomorrow. Once you set your mind to doing it, it really isn't that bad. If you feel like "bleh, this is garbage" then walk away and think about something else for a while. Go back and read your work, and start making changes.

Back to the grindstone!

Maybe you'll get a joke next time, maybe you won't!

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